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Entrevista a Emily Kay (traducción)

Entrevista a Emily Kay (traducción)

Como habréis oído Emily Kay, una escritora alemana, se ha inspirado en Tokio Hotel y Bill para su triología. Cuando la noticia empezó a correr entre las fans de TH, estás querían saber más acerca del libro, así que hicimos todo lo que pudimos para saber más. Yo, Patrii de THEurope, he tenido el placer de hablar con está mujer tan simpática. Espero que aquí tengáis toda la información que queráis, divertíos con la entrevista y apoyar a la escritora!

Emily Kay es una escritora alemana. Tiene 35 años y vive en Ruhr Valley rodeada de libros y CDs. Es una adicta a la música, películas, deportes, tatuajes y la literatura de fantasía.

THEurope: Cómo reaccionaste al "boom" sobre tu libro y de ti cuando dijiste que Bill Kaulitz te había inspirado? Era algo que esperabas?
Emily: No. Solo lo puse en mi twitter y en my blog de Nunca pense que alguien se pudiera interesar por mi (lol). Es para mi muy desconcertante sentir el amor de las fans de Tokio Hotel y su pasión por la banda y su apoyo en gente creativa que apoya la idea del grupo.

THEurope: Antes de que esto pasase, habías escrito otros libros?
Emily: Primero estudié literatura inglesa y alemana. Pero siempre seguía con mi sueño en mi corazón de escribir libros algún día. Crecí entre toneladas de historias ( de cuentos de hadas, aventuras, y mas) y libros. Siempre tuve muchos libros a mi alrededor desde antes de que supiese leer y siempre le pedía a mi madre que me los leyese. Muy pronto descubrí los libros de Enid Blyton y tuve el deseo de escribir libros como ella hizo algún día. A los 9 años tuve el primer contacto con una novela vampírica para niños llamada "El pequeño vampiro". Me encanto y siempre tuve la idea de tener mi propio vampiro. Aveces dejaba la ventana abierta porque esperaba que un vampiro me visitase (lol). Por la noche la cerraba porque hacía mucho frío en mi habitación. ;-) Entonces descubrí las películas "La historia interminable" por Muchael Ende y "Dentro del Laberinto". En los añps 80 teniamos un día especial de cine en mi ciudad y costaba solo 3 DM ver una película. Así que fuí allí a ver "Dentro del Laberinto" cada sábado durante 2-3 meses. Al final me sabía todas las palabras de la película y me volví una gran fan de David Bowie. Pero mi película favorita siempre será "The lost Boys". Una película de vampiros que fué hecha el 1988. Está fue una gran influencia en mi adicción a los vampiros. Allí fue cuando empecé a leer novelas de vampiros. Antes había empezado a escribir libros románticos, publicar algún material para aprender matemáticas, alemán o inglés. Así que "Eulenflucht - Durch die Nacht" es el primer libro que escribo.

THEurope: Conoces los libros de Stephanie Meyer? Querrías que tu triologia tuviese la misma fama?
Emily: Claro que he leído los libros de Stephanie Meyer. Ella es una muy buena escritora y estoy esperando sus nuevos libros. Creo que esperar tanta fama es no ser realista. Espero que haya lectores que se diviertan leyendo mi libro y estoy agradecida cuando solo son unos pocos.

THEurope: Cómo conociste la música de Tokio Hotel? Es una música que sueles escuchar desde hace tiempo?
Emily: No sabía mucho sobre Tokio Hotel hasta que salió Humanoid. Cuando miras mis CDs tambíen encontrarás música alemana. Mis artistas preferidos desde 1986 es una banda alemana de punk llamada "Die Ärzte". Así que tengo todos sus CDs. Entre ellos también hay música de Robbie Williams, The Cure, Morrissey, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Clash, The Ramones, Oasis, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park y otras bandas de punk, metal, gótico y rock y más de los 80. No la típica colección de una fan de Tokio Hotel. La primera que me puso en contacto con la música de Tokio Hotel fue mi madre. Recuerdo una día de 2005 cuando visité a mis padres, mi madre encendió la tele y allí daban un reportaje de TH. Ella me explicó quien era esta banda y me dijo sus nombres y que los dos chicos eran gemelos y más. Yo solo pensé "Valeeee...." ;-) Por cierto, mi madre tiene 61 años ...
Me quedé sorprendida por su reacción y me quedé con el nombre de TH en mi mente. Algunos alumnos llevaban camisetas de ellos pero yo seguí sin interesarme por TH en ese momento.

THEurope: Como entró Tokio Hotel en tus libros=
Emily: A finales de Octubre estaba navegando por internet y leí un artículo sobre Humanoid. El reportero mencionaba que las canciones sonaban como Depeche Mode y yo realmente no me lo podía imaginar. Quiero decir TH y Depeche? No. Así que seguí leyendo y vi el nombre Guy Chambers. Todos los fans de Robbie Williams conoces este nombre y yo también. Tenía mucha curiosidad por saber que habían hecho TH y Guy juntos. Así que hoy algunos ejemplos de su música. Me quedé realmente atónita porque era buena música. Entonces decidí irme a una tienda de música para comprarme el CD. Tuve problemas en decidirme si comprar la edición en alemán o inglés. Al final me compré las dos. ;-)

THEurope: Por que dices que "Geisterfahrer"(versión alemana de Phantomrider) es la banda sonora del libro?
Emily: Sí! Fue como una llamada cuando volví a casa de la tienda de discos. Pusé es CD y se me puso la carne de gallina en todo el cuerpo cuando escuche Geisterfahrer. Es el argumento de mi libro en un sentido abstracto. No podía creer que hubiese una canción que cogiese el tema y el estado de ánimo de la manera que Geisterfahrer lo hace. Realmente me quedé tocada con esto y fue la primera vez que sentí mi libro. Esa fue la primera vez que escribí sobre TH en mi blog y como me influenció escribiendo "Durch die Nacht".

THEurope: Como fue el momento en que viste a Bill en la pasarela de Dsquared2?
Emily: Fue alucinante porque tuve la sensación de ver el angel de mi segundo libro en persona. Argumente el segundo libro desde el 24 al 27 de diciembre del 2009 pero no era capaz de ver los personajes en ese momento. Fue la segunda llamada y una vez mas estaba conectada con TH. Todo era perfecto. Su pelo, el maquillaje, las ropas. La versión moder de Ziggy Stardust en angel - este fue el momento en que visualicé el personaje de mi angel por primera vez.

THEurope: Tiene el personaje inspirado en Bill una papel importante en tus libros?
Emily: Sí. El es el personaje principal. Todo el libro es acerca de este angel. Para ser concretos, es como la triologia vampírica de "Eulenflucht" también una triologia, pero sobre angeles. Así que este angel aparece en todos los libros de la triologia como personaje principal.

THEurope: Te gustaría que la banda conociese tu libro?
Emily: Sería interesante saber si les gusta la idea. Pero no espero que oigan de el o que tengan el tiempo de leerlo. ;-)

THEurope: Como vino la idea del blog? Por que lo haces?
Emily: Como he dicho antes, soy una gran fan de los vampiros y la fantasía. Dos amigos míos me pasaron esta página de crepúsculo y conocían mi libro que tenia planeado escribir. Así que pensaron que era una buena idea escribir sobre el desarrollo del libro hasta que este publicado.

THEurope: Cuando esperas que se pueda publicar el primer libro?
Emily: Esperó que para finales de año, quizá en noviembre, este publicado. Ahora este está en las agencias y así que estoy esperando su respuesta. Acabaré "Eulenflucht - Durch die Nacht" hacía finales de marzo. En mayo empezaré a escribir el primer libro del angel el cual irá dedicado a Bill Kaulitz.

THEurope: Aún no tienes el argumento definitivo del libro, pero dinos algo que nos puedas descubrir sobre el primer libro.
Emily: Como dije antes, claro que hay un argumento pero he de seguir guardandome los detalles hasta que los contratos hayan sido firmados y una edición corta oficial será publicada. Lo que puedo contar es que este ocurre en Alemania, más concretamente en Dresden y cerca de la costa norte entre 1945 y 2008. Es el libro perfecto para vampiros, historias de amor y fans románticos. En la primera página habrá un trozo de la canción Geisterfahrer para mostrar mi gratitud y respeto hacía Tokio Hotel. Durante la historia Tokio Hotel aparece en ciertas secuencias. Pero esto sigue en secreto por el momento!
Traducción por THEurope

Milano - Airport (18.01.2010)

imagebam imagebam imagebam
imagebam imagebam

I looove it

Twins after the Parade in Milan - 19.01.2010

Differences between the world behind my world and german version videoclip

Tokio Hotel - World Behind My Wall En Vivo Premios Telehit 2009 TRU

Backstage video From Dsquared2

Dsquared2 channel video

THTV episode: Bill and Tom @ fashion week

NYLON Magazine - #02/2010

NYLON Magazine - #02/2010



Interview Caten twins at Kaulitz twins

15 - 20 Magazine (Mexico)

15 - 20 Magazine (Mexico)

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Tokio Hotel just for you!
We know you love them, You ask for them month after month and therefore, taking advantage of their recent visit to Mexico we were able to talk to them alone and exclusively for 15 to 20! (magazine)
It’s noon on Tuesday in Mexico City, Many of you are in school while we, lucky ones! We’re heading to the luxurious hotel where we will meet with Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, the four Germans most wanted by thousand of girls worldwide. Nervous? Not at all! on the contrary, we are exited and curious.
We already met them in person, but this is the first time we have them just for us. We’re here, we waited, they asked us to sit down, and minutes after, wow the guys are entering one by one.
Gustav is the first one to greet us with a “hola” perfectly pronounced and a big smile; this guy is not as rude as it seems, then Bill, the dream of millions and millions of girls, leaves us impressed with his monhwak that besides making him look taller and thinner, is supercool… We can’t stop thinking how beautiful he is, while we’re thinking Georg extends his hands, who is more handsome in person. At last Tom comes super relaxed. While they’re sitting down, we try to catch our breath and start the conversation.
You’re doing really well with your Album Humanoid, how does that makes you feel?
Bill hurries to answer: “We’re really happy because we locked ourselves a year, we didn’t go out, and we were not with our fans, all to write songs. We have spent too much time on this, and we are glad it has gone so well. In this album we didn’t wanted to do the same thing or go to the safe path, but try new things, so is nice that is working like that.”
While he’s talking we can’t help analyzing him from top to bottom: black outfit, really white skin, eyeliner and black eyeshadow (Although his wearing less makeup than usual)
Have you thought already in the second single?
“World Behind My Wall, we still have to do the video”, Tom says, who that day wore a purple bandana on the head. Their fans already know Automatic perfectly, but Is it about a girl with a cold personality who left them heartbroken? “Actually is not an autobiography because in the past 5 years I haven’t had a relationship, Bill confesses while looking everywhere, “Is about this feeling that someone is living like that, automatically, in this music business where you live too fast and superficial.
Another of your new songs, is Pain Of Love, Have you suffered so much for love, specially you Tom? Well, we know you are the one who flirts the most.
And then the twin can’t help but laugh while his thinking what to answer:
“Err, yes, I have suffered at a certain point. I’m not the expert in love.” He hasn’t even finish when the other three look at him and laugh, yes, even Gustav who looks so serious…No one believes it! Then Bill says: “The truth, is that love is the central theme of life, is what makes you wake up in the morning, and the one who take us to bed happily at night, the pain of love has everything, happiness, hatred, pain, be happy… The whole world goes through this! Besides, this are feelings that are very close to each other, love and pain “At this moment it makes us want to hug him because he says with such a deep sadness, sorry girls, we also have him really close to us, but so close… Any advice to stop this pain that love can cause?
In Human Connect To Human they sing “Boy meets girl know what to do, What do you do when you meet a girl? How do you get close to her?
Tom he laughs (he’s very cheerful!) and he says without hesitation: “I’ll invite her to the hotel!” Ok, so we responded, but don’t you ask her how old is she? “No”, he says it like if it was the most normal thing in the world. How outrageous Tom! his sincerity and the way he says it so flirtatious makes all of us burst into laughter while he smiles and continues: ” It doesn’t matter cause you can see it, right? many times you know it.
Your brother is a demon, we told Bill while all of us tried to contain the laughter.”Yes, He is!”, he responded.
We know that they don’t like to be asked for (or give) advice, but we still asked them, no one is looking at us weird, Tom laughs and everyone turns around to see Bill when he says: Everyone has known in life, We all suffered for love, Everyone except Tom. So it’s something you can’t be protected from , there is no recipe, no tip, you should let it happen.
How about you Georg?
The bassist gets totally serious and without hesitation he responds: “I have a girlfriend, so I don’t look anywhere else”. how cute! Besides being so handsome, he’s very faithful. No one laughs and everyone looks at him with respect because they know he’s really in love; they’ve caught him talking on the phone or skype with the lucky girl.
And you Gustav?
he’s thinking, we notice he’s thinking what to answer and, finally he says with resignation: “All of them just want to go with Tom, so there’s no girls for me.”
While answering, Tom and Georg are saying “awww” at the same time, we tell him that, that can’t be possible, not even one? “Yes”, he responds while looking down. We started laughing again. How nice, we are having so much fun with this guys! Despite having a really busy day they’re very relaxed and comfortable with this conversation that is being done in three languages: English, Spanish and German.
But let me see Tom, Is it really true that you know what to do when you are in front of a girl that you like? or there’s embarrassing stories where girls reject you, even knowing who you are?
“It would be very unpleasant if that happened to me”, he assures and pauses, ” But is not something realistic, there’s no embarrassing stories like that yet, fortunately.”
Have you seen how the handsome guys in the movies are sitting? with one arm bent, their hands touching their chins, and with a fixed look? well just like this is how the adorable Kaulitz twin is sitting while his brother, who’s sitting straight says:
“As for embarrassing situations and rejections, we should ask Georg”, but he wont tell us! and he only says: “Tom rejects me often…It would be very hard to explain that.” What a way to get rid of confessions!
Then what did you do when you saw the girl that is now your girlfriend?, we asked him curiously…
Everyone burst out laughing while Georg answers with a discrete smile: “We met in a nightclub, we looked at each other a few times and that’s how the relationship was developing.”
Could you say that being a member of Tokio Hotel has become more difficult or easier to hook up with a girl? of course, this question is not for you Tom.
he smiles flirtatiously and nods while Bill answers: Well, fame is a blessing at the same time and a curse because I do have(girls) where to choose from, but finding true love is difficult, almost impossible.
A miracle would have to happen, to be with my soul mate, the love of my life. You can meet girls every single day, there’s situations that can occur, but the greatest love…is complicated! ”
And while he’s answering we can’t help but notice he’s looking down, at his hands, his knees and he breathes deeply.
Bill, is there any girl that you have dated that tried to wear your makeup or clothes…or you don’t wear makeup when you go out with someone…or you tell her “That’s my eyeliner, don’t touch it”?
He laughs when he noticed that we insist talking about girls, but he doesn’t interrupt us and then he answers very calmly “I haven’t had a date in the past years, and before that there has never been a fight over makeup with a girl.”
When are you coming back to Mexico?
In early 2010 we’ll start our European tour with 32 concerts…(and I can’t read the rest because of watermark )
German without barriers (haha is like German for dummies)
If you get the chance to have Bill, or all the boys from Tokio Hotel, face to face, we guarantee you will get their attention for being the only one to speak German, so memorize these phrases and learn the correct pronunciation in order to not embarrass yourself.
Bill, I love you!
Bill, Ich liebe dich
Pronuciation: Bill ij libe dij.
I love your eyes!
Deine augen manchen mich wild
Pronunciation: Dáine augen majen mij bildt.
Can I take a picture with you?
Kann ich micht mit dir fotografieren?
Pronunciation: Can ij mij mit dia fotografiren?
Can you give me your autograph?
Gibst du mir dein autogramm?
Pronunciation: Gibst du mia dain autogram?
Can I give you a kiss?
Dark Ich dir ein kuss geben?
Pronunciation: Dark ij dia ain kus geben?
I’m your fan number one
Ich bin dein fan Nr. 1.
Pronunciation: Ij bin dain fan numer ains.
And if you are brave… then yell
Bill, I want to marry you!
Bill, Ich möchte dich heiraten.
Pronunciation: Bill ij moejte dij jairaten.
Translation by dunkelherzscarlett

Radio Interview -

Radio Interview -

"Tomorrow between 4pm & 6pm, there will be an exclusive interview with the band, during the VIP show. The interview was done before by telephone. So the band won't be there.
The radio is PUISSANCE A (, there is a page on Facebook.
I have no more infos, i dunno about what it will be."

free image host
Thanks to bzzbzzbzz for this information!
Radio Interview
4 - 6 PM (European Time)
The Interview is already recorded!
Das Interview wurde bereits aufgezeichnet!
"Well i spoke with the guy who made the interview cause i wanted to have more infos.
They have some problem to do the audio of the interview. So for the moment they will put a interview already known as i undertand it. Suck -_-
No news for the exclusive one."

Interview with Emily Kay

Interview with Emily Kay

As we have heard Emily Kay, a German writer, was inspired by Tokio Hotel and Bill for his trilogy. When the news began to run between the many TH fans wanted to know more about this book, so we made every effort to know more. I, Patrii of THEurope, I had the pleasure of talking to this nice woman. Hope here you have all the information that you want, enjoy the interview and support this nice writter!

Emily Kay is a German author. She is 35 years old and lives in the Ruhr Valley sourrounded by books and CDs. She is addicted to music, films, sports, tattoos and fantasy literature.

THEurope: How you reacted to the "boom" of you and your book when you said that Bill Kaulitz had inspired you? It was something you expected?
Emily: No. It was only a statement on my twitter account and a topic in my blog on
I never thought about that anybody could get interested in this besides me. (lol)
It's really overwhelming for me to feel the love of the Tokio Hotel fans and their passion for the band and their support towards creative people who support the idea of the band.

THEurope: Before this happens, did you write anyother book?
Emily: Firstly I studied English and German Literature. But I always kept this dream in my heart to write books one day. I grew up with tons of story tapes (tapes with fairy tales, adventure stories and so on) and books. I always had many books around me before I could read and I always forced my mother to read stories to me. So very soon I discovered books by Enid Blyton and had the wish inside of me to write books like she did one day. By the age of 9 I had the first contact with a vampire children`s novel which is called "The Little Vampire". I loved this very much and always had the idea to have an own vampire. Sometimes I left the windows open because I hoped to be visited by a vampire (lol). At night I closed the window because it was too cold inside my room. ;-) Then I discovered the films "The Neverending Story" by Michael Ende and "Labyrinth". During the 80s we had a special cinema day here in my hometown and it cost only 3 DM to watch a movie. So I went there to see LABYRINTH each Sunday for 2 - 3 months. In the end I knew all the words of the movie and became a big David Bowie Fan. But my favorite movie of all time is still THE LOST BOYS. A vampire movie which was released in 1988. This was the most important influence on my vampire addiction. It was the point when I started to read vampire novels. Before I started to write Romantasy books I published learning materials for maths, German and English. So "Eulenflucht - Durch die Nacht" is the first novel I write.

THEurope: Do you know Stephanie Meyer's book? Would you like your triology to have the same fame as them?
Emily: Of course I read every book from Stephenie Meyer. She is a really good writer and I am looking forward to her next books. I think to expect such a sucess is not realistic. I hope that there are readers who enjoy reading my books and I am thankful when there are a few.

THEurope: How do you know about Tokio Hotel and their music? Is it a music that you use to listen since long time ago?
Emily:I did not know very much about Tokio Hotel until they published HUMANOID. When you have a look on my CDs you will find also German music. My favorite band since 1986 is a German punk band which is called DIE ÄRZTE. So there are all of their CDs. Besides there is music of Robbie Williams, The Cure, Morrissey, The Smiths, Depeche Mode, New Order, The Clash, The Ramones, Oasis, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park and other punk, metal, gothic, rock and 80s stuff. Not really a typical collection for Tokio Hotel fans. The first one who got in touch with Tokio Hotel was my mother. I remember one day in 2005 when I visited my parents she switched the TV on and there was a report about TH. She explained to me who this band was and told me their names and that the two guys are twins and so on. I only thought "Okeeee ... " ;-) By the way my mother is 61 years old ...
I was surprised about her reaction and so I kept the name TH in my mind. Some pupils wore their T-shirts but I still was not interested in TH at this moment.

THEurope: How did Tokio Hotel enter in the books?
Emily:Last October I was surfing on the internet and read an article about HUMANOID. The reporter mentioned that the songs sound like Depeche Mode and I really could not imagine this. I mean TH and Depeche? No. So I kept on reading and then I saw the name Guy Chambers. Every Robbie Wiliams fan knows this name and so I did. I was really curious what TH and Guy did together. So listened to some music samples. I really was astonished because it was good music. Then I decided to go to a record store to buy the album. I had problems to decide to buy the German or English version. In the end I bought both. ;-)

THEurope: Why you say "Geisterfahrer" is the soundtrack of the book?
Emily:Yeah. This was like a wake up call when I came back home from the record store. I played the CD and really got big chickenpocks all over my body when I listened to Geisterfahrer. This was the plot of my book in an abstract way. I could not believe that there is a song which catches the topic and the mood in such a way like Geisterfahrer does. I really was touched by that and it was the first time that I could FEEL my book. So this was the first time I wrote about TH in my blog and how it influences the writing on Durch die Nacht.

THEurope: How was the moment when you saw Bill on Dsquared2 Catwalk?
Emily:This was amazing because I had the feeling to see the angel of my second book as a person. I plotted this book from the 24th - 27th of December 2009 but I was not able to see my characters at this moment. This was the second wake up call and once again it was connected with TH. Everything was perfect. The hair, the make up and the clothes. The modern Ziggy Stardust as an angel - this was the moment I could visualize my angel character for the first time.

THEurope: Have the character inspired in Bill an important role in one of your books?
Emily: Yes. He is the main character. The whole book is about this angel. To be concrete, it is like the vampire trilogy "Eulenflucht" also a trilogy, but about angels. So this angel will appear in every single book of the trilogy as a main character.

THEurope: Would you like the band know about your book?
Emily: This would be interesting to get to know if they like the idea. But I do not expect that they hear about it or have the time to read it. ;-)

THEurope: How it goes the idea of the blog into you mind? Why you do it?
Emily: As I mentioned before, I am a huge vampire and fantasy fan. 2 friends of mine run this twilight page and they knew about my book I planned to write. So they found it was a good idea to blog about development of the book until it gets published.

THEurope: When do you expect the first book will be published?
Emily: I hope that by the end of the year, maybe in november, it will be published. My exposee is at the agencies right now and so I wait for them to respond. I will finish "Eulenflucht - Durch die Nacht" by the end of March. In May I will start to write the first angel' s book which will be dedicated to Bill.

THEurope: You haven't got yet a plot of the book, but tell us something that you can discover us about the first book.
Emily: As I said before, of course there is a plot but I have to keep the details secretly until contracts are signed and an official short version will be published. The things I can tell are that the setting is in Germany, in Dresden and nearby the Northsea in 1945 and 2008. It' s the perfect book for vampire, love story and Romantasy fans. On the first page a quotation of Geisterfahrer will appear to show my gratitude and respect to TH. During the story Tokio Hotel will appear in certain sequences. But this is still a top secret at the moment.

Keep in touch her name, I'm sure she will have many success with her books

TV Moda - DSquared² - Interview with Bill & Tom

TV Moda - DSquared² - Interview mit Bill & Tom

Jo: Tell us about your feelings, your impressions on the show.
Bill: I was so nervous and really excited, it was great! I love the clothes and the show, unbelievable.
Jo: What are you wearing?
Bill: What am i wearing now... let me see, these are pretty extravagant pants... Did you see the feathers? They're fake, no animal was hurt, that's the most important thing to me and I want to point that out.
Jo: You're preparing your tour with Dsquared2.
Bill: Sure, and I'm so proud the two of them created the outfits. Everything is still secret, we talked about that yesterday... I saw the first sketches by Dean and Dan and they look amazing. It's gonna be a great tour, with an awesome wardrobe. I'm happy they accepted.
Jo: Can you show me your t-shirt?
Tom: Yeah... you like it? It says "teenage riot"

Jo: Hockey, horror, Dsquared2. Amazing!
Dean: Thank you, thank you.
Jo: What's the collection like?
Dan: It's very striking. aggressive, very strong... yeah. I'm really glad. It has some kind of energy...
Dean: It mixes two worlds, you know... Paillettes, Feathers with hockey violence... splatter!

Meanwhile, on the outside...

The girls and boys just keep reapeating how awesome and gorgeous and good TH are...
( they're really annoying anyway... tv reporters always look for the loudest and most embarrassing fans to interview, just my opinion.)

The mistake in NRJ 2010

He told that done a mistake when open the card and told that BEP won the best international badn when in reality was (of course) TOKIO HOTEL

GQ HQ pics

I back again

First off, sorry for all this time off from here, I havent a lot people who watch this blog but someones asked me why I leave it, I don't do only I have enough time for do all the things.
I'll try one time at week back here and edit all the entries that I done in my myspace.
Thanks to all the people who asked me and thanks for continue supporting Tokio Hotel